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Vision Therapy Success Story

Photo of Aiden, a vision therapy graduate.

Aiden was 8 years old when he reported some blurry and double vision at his regular eye examination with Dr. Chadderdon at Eyecare Associates Marshalltown. Dr. Chadderdon realized that this was related to a condition called convergence insufficiency, which impacted how Aiden’s eyes worked together. Aiden started vision therapy with Dr. Monroe and was making good progress to reduce his double vision when an unfortunate ATV accident sent Aiden to University of Iowa Children’s Hospital with multiple injuries including skull fractures and a type of a brain injury called a diffuse axonal injury. With excellent medical care and support from his family, Aiden was able to recover from his injuries. As he returned to school, Aiden also returned to vision therapy. While his accident had increased some of his symptoms and slowed his progress a bit, Aiden kept a positive attitude.

Aiden recently graduated from vision therapy, and is doing great. Prior to vision therapy, Aiden saw double vision when he was reading most of the time and reported that he lost concentration while reading, leading him to have trouble remembering what he read. At the conclusion of vision therapy, Aiden was happy to report that he no longer had any double vision when reading, and it is much easier for him to stay focused and remember what he reads. He has also significantly improved his reading speed at school. Way to go Aiden!